AfraLISP - Learn AutoLISP for AutoCAD productivity

Profile Utilities

by Kenny Ramage & Autodesk

Just a few Sample Profile Utilities.
Compliments of Autodesk :

;;;  Sample profile manipulation utilities.
;;;  All functions return T on success and nil 
;;;  on failure. See comments above each function
;;;  for additional details.
;;; - Set active profile: 
;;;     (sample-profile-set-active "MyProfile")
;;; - Import a profile:
;;;     (sample-profile-import 
;;;		"c:\\myExportedProfile.arg" "MyFavoriteProfile" T)
;;; - Delete a profile:
;;;     (sample-profile-delete "unwanted")
;;; - Import a profile, even if it already exists, and set it active.
;;;    (sample-profile-import "c:\\CompanyProfile.arg" "MyProfile" T)
;;;    (sample-profile-set-active "MyProfile")
;;; - Import a profile, if not already present, and set it active
;;;    (if (not (sample-profile-exists "myProfile"))
;;;        (progn
;;;         (sample-profile-import "c:\\CompanyProfile.arg" "MyProfile" T)
;;;         (sample-profile-set-active "MyProfile")
;;;        )
;;;    )
;;; - Import a profile and set it active when AutoCAD is first started.
;;;  Place the following code in acaddoc.lsp with the desired ".arg" filename 
;;;  and profile name...
;;;    (defun s::startup ()
;;;      (if (not (vl-bb-ref ':sample-imported-profile)) 
;;;           ;;have we imported the profile yet?
;;;          (progn
;;;            ;; Set a variable on the bulletin-board 
;;;            ;; to indicate that we've been here before.
;;;            (vl-bb-set ':sample-imported-profile T) 
;;;            ;; Import the profile and set it active
;;;            (sample-profile-import 
;;;                 "c:\\CompanyProfile.arg" "MyProfile" T)
;;;            (sample-profile-set-active "MyProfile")
;;;          );progn then
;;;      );if
;;;    );defun s::startup
;; This helper function gets the profiles object.
(defun sample-get-profiles-object ( / app pref profs )
  (setq   app (vlax-get-acad-object))
  (setq  pref (vla-get-preferences app))
  (setq profs (vla-get-profiles pref))
);defun sample-get-profiles-object

;; Determine if a profile exists. 
;; Returns T if the specified profile name exists, and nil if not.
(defun sample-profile-exists ( name / profs )
 (and name
      (setq names (sample-profile-names))
      (member (strcase name) (mapcar 'strcase names))
);defun sample-profile-exists

;; Set the active profile. 
;; NOTES: 
;;  - If the specified profile name is already active 
;;    then the function returns T and makes no additional 
;;    changes.
;;  - The specified profile must exist. 
;;    (You can import a profile using the  'sample-profile-import' 
;;    function.) If the specified profile does not exist, the 
;;    function returns nil.
(defun sample-profile-set-Active ( name / profs )
  (setq profs (sample-get-profiles-object))
  (or (equal (strcase name) (strcase (getvar "cprofile")))
      (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply 
               'vla-put-activeProfile (list profs name))))
);defun sample-profile-set-Active

;; Delete the specified profile.
;; Fails if the specified profile is current.
(defun sample-profile-delete ( name / profs )
  (setq profs (sample-get-profiles-object))
  (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply 
            'vla-deleteprofile (list profs name))))
);defun sample-profile-delete
;; Copy profile.
(defun acad-pref-profile-copy ( source target / profs )
  (setq profs (sample-get-profiles-object))
  (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply 
             'vla-CopyProfile (list profs source target))))
);defun sample-profile-copy

;; Get a list of profile names
(defun sample-profile-names ( / profs result )
  (setq profs (sample-get-profiles-object))
  (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply 
            'vla-GetAllProfileNames (list profs 'result))))
  (setq result (vlax-safearray->list result))
);defun sample-profile-names

;; Rename
(defun sample-profile-rename ( oldName newName / profs )
  (setq profs (sample-get-profiles-object))
  (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply 
            'vla-RenameProfile (list profs oldName newName))))
);defun sample-profile-rename

;; Get a unique profile name. 
;; This function returns a unique profile name 
;; that is guaranteed to not be present in the current 
;; list of profiles.
(defun sample-get-unique-profile-name ( / names n name )
 (setq names (sample-profile-names)
       names (mapcar 'strcase names)
        name "TempProfileName"
           n 1
 (while (member (strcase (setq name (strcat name (itoa n)))) names)
  (setq n (+ n 1))
);defun sample-get-unique-profile-name

;; Import
;; This function imports the specified .arg file and creates 
;; a new profile with the provided profile name.
;; If the specified profile already exists, it will be overwritten.
;; If the 'bUsePathInfo' parameter is non-nil then path information 
;; will be imported from the specified 
;; file. Otherwise, path information will be ignored.
;; NOTES: 
;;  This function does not set the active profile. 
;;  If you import a new profile it will not become active 
;;  unless it matches the name of the existing active profile. 
;;  You can set the active profile by calling: 
;;    (sample-profile-set-active "ProfileName")
(defun sample-profile-import ( filename profileName bUsePathInfo / 
                               sample-old Error profs isCProfile 
                               tempProfile result )

 ;; Set up an error handler so, if something goes wrong, 
 ;;we can put things back the way we found them
 (setq sample-oldError *error*)
 (defun *error* ( msg / )
  (if (and profileName
           (equal tempProfile (getvar "cprofile"))
       ;; Something went wrong so put things back the way they were.
       (sample-profile-rename tempProfile profileName)
       (sample-profile-set-active profileName)
       (sample-profile-delete tempProfile)
      );progn then
  (setq *error* sample-oldError)
  (if msg
      (*error* msg)
 );defun *error*

 (if (and bUsePathInfo
          (not (equal :vlax-false bUsePathInfo))
     (setq bUsePathInfo :vlax-true)
     (setq bUsePathInfo :vlax-false)
 (if (and filename
          (setq filename (findfile filename))
          (setq profs (sample-get-profiles-object))
      ;; We can't import directly to the current profile, 
      ;; so if the provided profile name matches 
      ;; the current profile, we'll need to:
      ;;  - rename the current profile to a unique name
      ;;  - import
      ;;  - set the new one current
      ;;  - delete the old one with the temp name
      (setq isCProfile (equal (strcase (getvar "cprofile")) 
                                     (strcase profileName)))
      (if isCProfile
           (setq tempProfile (sample-get-unique-profile-name))
           (sample-profile-rename (getvar "cprofile") tempProfile)
          );progn then

      ;; Import          
      (setq result (not (vl-catch-all-error-p (vl-catch-all-apply 
                              'vla-ImportProfile (list profs profileName 
                                              filename bUsePathInfo)))))

      (if isCProfile
           ;;  Handle current profile case...
           ;;  If the import was successful, 
           ;;then set the new profile active and delete the original
           ;;  else if something went wrong, then put the old profile back
           (if (and result
                    (setq result (sample-profile-set-Active profileName)) 
           ;; set the newly imported profile active
               (sample-profile-delete tempProfile)            
               ;; then delete the old profile
               (sample-profile-rename tempProfile profileName)
               ;; else rename the original profile back to its old name
          );progn then
     );progn then

 (*error* nil) ;; quietly restore the original error handler
);defun sample-profile-import
