AfraLISP - Learn AutoLISP for AutoCAD productivity

Visual Lisp and Profiles

by Kenny Ramage

Profiles are a great way of quickly loading your standard settings and ensuring that drawing office standards are adhered too.

To get to the Profiles in Visual Lisp, we need to reference the PreferencesProfiles Object. Here's an extract from the AutoCAD Object Model :

Application (Object)
      |----- Preferences (Object)
      |           |
      |           |
      |           |----- PreferencesProfiles (Object)
      |           |
      |           |

Firstly, we need a reference to the Application Object :

_$ (vl-load-com)
_$ (setq acadobject (vlax-get-Acad-Object)
#<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 00adc088>

And next the Preferences Object :

_$ (setq acadprefs (vla-get-preferences acadobject))
#<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPreferences 02d003cc>

And now a reference to the PreferencesProfiles Object :

$ (setq acadprofiles (vla-get-profiles acadprefs))
#<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPreferencesProfiles 02d003bc>

Let's run a dump on the PreferencesProfile Object :

_$ (vlax-dump-object acadprofiles T)
; IAcadPreferencesProfiles: This object contains the options from
                            the Profiles tab on the Options dialog
      ; Property values :
      ; ActiveProfile = "<<Unnamed Profile>>"
      ; Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 00adc088>

      ; Methods supported:
      ; CopyProfile (2)
      ; DeleteProfile (1)
      ; ExportProfile (2)
      ; GetAllProfileNames (1)
      ; ImportProfile (3)
      ; RenameProfile (2)
      ; ResetProfile (1)

As you can see, this Object has only one Property that really interests us, the Active Profile, but seven Methods that look quite interesting

Let's have a look at the Active Profile Property first :

_$ (setq actprofile (vla-get-ActiveProfile acadprofiles))

This tells us quite clearly that the Active Profile on my system is a profile named "Admin". But, we would like to have a list of all profile names. For this we would need to use the GetAllProfilesNames Method :

(vlax-invoke-method acadProfiles 'GetAllProfileNames 'thelist)

Let's have a look at "thelist"

_$ thelist

Oh, oh, it's a safearray. We need to convert it:

_$ (vlax-safearray->list thelist)
("Admin" "Eric")

That's better, now we've got a list of all presently loaded profiles. Let's load a new one :

_$ (setq NewProfile (vlax-invoke-method acadprofiles 'ImportProfile "NDBE51D1" "c:/Profiles/NDBE51D1.arg" :vlax-true))

Have a look at your "Profiles" under "Options". A new profile should have been Imported.
Let's check that it's there programmically :

_$ (vlax-invoke-method acadProfiles 'GetAllProfileNames 'thelist)
_$ (vlax-safearray->list thelist)
("Admin" "Eric" "NDBE51D1")

OK, I'm happy now, I know it's there.
We still though, need to make it the Active Profile :

_$ (vla-put-ActiveProfile acadProfiles "NDBE51D1")

Let's Export a profile :

_$ (vlax-invoke-method acadProfiles 'ExportProfile "Eric" "c:/profiles/eric.arg")

Have a look in your Profiles directory. You should have a new arg file.
Right, now let's be nasty and delete a profile :

_$ (vlax-invoke-method acadProfiles 'DeleteProfile "NDBE51D1")
; error: Automation Error. Cannot delete a profile that is in use.

Ha, ha, of course we can't delete that profile 'cos it's the Active Profile.
OK, let's try another one :

_$ (vlax-invoke-method acadProfiles 'DeleteProfile "Admin")

Bye, bye, Mr Admin profile.
Let's reset a profile :

_$ (vlax-invoke-method acadProfiles 'ResetProfile "Eric")

Hey, nothing happened! That's because the profile "Eric" is not the Active Profile.
Let's try again :

_$ (vlax-invoke-method acadProfiles 'ResetProfile "NDBE51D1")

That's better, the profile is reloaded.
Let's copy an existing profile to a new profile :

_$ (vlax-invoke-method acadProfiles 'CopyProfile "NDBE51D1" "CopiedProfile")

We now have a new profile named "CopiedProfile". Let's rename it :

_$ (vlax-invoke-method acadProfiles 'RenameProfile "CopiedProfile" "RenamedProfile")

Let's list them again :

_$ (vlax-invoke-method acadProfiles 'GetAllProfileNames 'thelist)
_$ (vlax-safearray->list thelist)
("Eric" "NDBE51D1" "RenamedProfile")

Here's a little application that you may find interesting. It will check the Login Name of the user and automatically load the relevant Profile for that user.

Firstly you need to name your Profiles the same as your Login Name. e.g. if your Login Name is NDBE51D1, your Profile must be named NDBE51D1.ARG. Then you need to store all your user Profiles in the same folder. (This example uses "c:/profiles/").

Irrespective of which user logs in, the specific Profile for that user will be loaded if necessary, and made Active.

Not much in the way of error checking at the moment I'm afraid…

      (prompt "\nType LoginProfile to run...")
      (defun C:LoginProfile (/ profilename acadprofiles actprofile thelist profilepath)
      ;retrieve the users login name
      (setq profilename (strcase (getvar "LOGINNAME")))
      ;retrieve a reference to the Profiles
      (setq acadprofiles (vla-get-profiles
      (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-Acad-Object))))
      ;retrieve the Active Profile
      (setq actprofile (strcase (vla-get-ActiveProfile acadprofiles)))
      ;if they are not the same
      (if (/= profilename actprofile)
            ;do the following
                  ;get a
                  list of the loaded profiles
                  (vlax-invoke-method acadProfiles 'GetAllProfileNames 'thelist)
                  ;convert to a list
                  (setq thelist (vlax-safearray->list thelist))
      ;if the profile is not in the list
      (if (not (member profilename thelist))
      ;do the following
      ;store the profile file
      (setq profilepath
      "c:/profiles/" profilename ".arg"))
      ;if the profile is found
      (if (findfile profilepath)
            ;do the following
                  ;load the profile
                  (setq NewProfile (vlax-invoke-method
                  acadprofiles 'ImportProfile
                  profilename profilepath :vlax-true))
                  ;make the profile the Active Profile
                  (vla-put-ActiveProfile acadProfiles profilename)
            ;profile file cannot be found - exit
            (prompt (strcat "\nCannot find profile " profilepath))
      ;it is loaded but make the profile the Active Profile
      (vla-put-ActiveProfile acadProfiles profilename)
                  ;We could reload the Profile if we wish.
                  ;Just uncomment the next line.
                  ;(vlax-invoke-method acadProfiles 'ResetProfile profilename)

And here's a few miscellaneous Profile Functions :

;;; profiles.lsp
;;; miscellaneous profile commands
;;; by Jimmy B
;;;  2000-01-25

(defun getActiveProfile ()
    (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object)))

(defun putActiveProfile (profilename)
    (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object)))

(defun getAllProfileNames(/ allprofiles)
    (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object))) 
  (vlax-safearray->list allprofiles)

(defun existProfile (profilename)
  (not (not (member
    (strcase profilename)
    (mapcar '(lambda (x) (strcase x)) (getallprofilenames))

(defun c:listProfileNames(/ nr profnames)
  (setq nr 0)
  (setq profnames (getAllProfileNames))
  (repeat (length profnames)
    (princ (nth nr profnames))
    (setq nr (1+ nr))

; return T if profile is deleted and nil if not
(defun deleteProfile (profilename)
  (if (and
        (/= (strcase profilename) (strcase (getActiveProfile)))
        (existProfile profilename))
    (not (vla-deleteprofile
      (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object)))

; return T if profile is reseted and nil if not
(defun resetProfile (profilename)
  (if (existProfile profilename)
    (not (vla-resetprofile
      (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object)))

; return T if profile is renamed and nil if not
; if profilenameNew exist it's substituded with profilenameOld
(defun renameProfile (profilenameOld profilenameNew)
  (if (existProfile profilenameOld)
    (not (vla-renameprofile
      (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object)))

; return T if profile is copied and nil if not
; if profilename2 exists it's copied
(defun copyProfile (profilename1 profilename2)
  (if (existProfile profilename1)
    (not (vla-copyprofile
      (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object)))

; (exportProfile "profilename" "C:\\TEMP\\profilename.arg")
; if path is omitted profile is saved in active directory
; overwrites argname if it exists
; return T if profile is exported
(defun exportProfile (profilename argname)
  (if (existProfile profilename)
    (not (vla-exportprofile
      (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object)))

; (importProfile "profilename" "C:\\TEMP\\profilename.arg" 1)
; overwrites profilename if it exists
; if path is omitted profile is imported from active directory
; inclpathinfo=1   The path information in the registry file
; will be preserved.
; inclpathinfo=0   The path information in the registry file
;will not be preserved.
; return T if profile is imported
(defun importProfile (profilename argname inclpathinfo)
  (not (vla-importprofile
    (vla-get-profiles (vla-get-preferences (vlax-get-acad-object)))