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I finished a good Beta of the hatch-pline routine...(an almost-there if you will)

Tony Lukasz

;Draws polyline boundaries around hatches.
(defun c:hatch-pl (/ ent numpts plst osmo stpt lstpt arcflag pldat bdst mdpt bpt nxtpt pllst)
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
(command "UNDO" "BEGIN")
(setq numpts -1 plst nil
osmo (getvar "OSMODE")
stpt nil lstpt nil
arcflag 0 *error* err1
ent (entsel "\nPick Hatch:")
(if ent (progn
(setq ent (entget (car ent)))
(setvar "OSMODE" 0)
(foreach pldat ent
(if (= (car pldat) 93)(progn
(if (= numpts 0)(if (= arcflag 1)(arc-sub)(vert-sub)))
(setq numpts (cdr pldat))
(if (and (= (car pldat) 10) (>= numpts 0))
(if (= arcflag 1)(arc-sub)(vert-sub))
(if (= (car pldat) 42)(progn
(if (= (cdr pldat) 0.0)(setq arcflag 0)
(setq arcflag 1 bdst (* 0.5 (cdr pldat)))
(command "UNDO" "END")
(setvar "OSMODE" osmo)
(setvar "CMDECHO" 1)
(defun vert-sub ()
(setq numpts (1- numpts))
(if (>= numpts 0)
(if plst
(setq lstpt (cdr pldat))
(if (null stpt)(setq stpt (cdr pldat)))
(command lstpt)
(setq stpt (cdr pldat) plst 1)
(command "PLINE")
(command stpt)
(command stpt)
(command "")(command)
(setq pllst (entlast))
(setq numpts -1 plst nil stpt nil lstpt nil)
(defun arc-sub ()
(setq numpts (1- numpts))
(if (= numpts -1)(setq nxtpt stpt)(setq nxtpt (cdr pldat)))
(setq arcflag 0
bdst (* bdst (distance nxtpt lstpt))
mdpt (polar lstpt (angle lstpt nxtpt)(/ (distance lstpt nxtpt) 2.0))
bpt (polar mdpt (+ (/ pi 2.0) (angle nxtpt lstpt)) bdst)
(if (>= numpts 0)
(if plst
(setq lstpt (cdr pldat))
(command "A" "S" bpt lstpt "L")
(command "A" "S" bpt stpt)
(command "")(command)
(setq pllst (entlast))
(setq numpts -1 plst nil stpt nil lstpt nil)
(defun keep-pl (/ kpstr)
(princ "\nNew boundary found - Keep new boundary? (<Y>/N):")
(command "SELECT" pllst)
(initget "Y y N n")
(setq kpstr (getkword))
(if (or (= kpstr "")(= kpstr " ")(null kpstr))(setq kpstr "Y"))
(if (= (strcase kpstr) "N")(progn (command)(command "ERASE" pllst "")))
(defun err1 (emsg)
(command "UNDO" "END")
(command "UNDO")
(setvar "OSMODE" osmo)
(princ "\nERROR - ")(princ emsg)(princ "... ")
(setq *error* nil)

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Site created and maintained by Kenny Ramage

The AutoLisp/Visual Lisp/VBA Resource Website