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Visual Lisp - Directories and Files - Page I

Using plain old AutoLisp, we really only have two functions dealing with files and directories namely, the (findfile) function, and the (getfiled) function. Both of these functions are useful but limited in there scope.

Visual Lisp has introduced a whole host of new functions specifically designed to use with files and directories. In this tutorial we're going to have a look at a few of them. Firstly, we'll have a look at probably the most powerful Visual Lisp function for dealing with files and directories, the (vl-directory-files) function. Fire up AutoCAD, open the Visual Lisp Editor, then type this at the console prompt :

_$ (vl-load-com)

_$ (vl-directory-files)
("." ".." "X3426.dwg" "addshort.dvb" "ADMENU.DVB" "afralispURL.dvb" "afraLOGO.dwg" "another-dump.lsp" "" "arrowkeyview.dvb" "ATTAB.DCL" "ATTAB.DWG" "ATTAB.LSP")

This will return a list containing every file and sub-directory within your current directory.
Let's have a look at the syntax of (vl-directory-files) and a few other Visual Lisp File/Directory functions.


Lists all files in a given directory

(vl-directory-files [directory pattern directories])

Arguments :


  • A string naming the directory to collect files for; if nil or absent, vl-directory-files uses the current directory.


  • A string containing a DOS pattern for the file name; if nil or absent, vl-directory-files assumes "*.*"


  • An integer that indicates whether the returned list should include directory names. Specify one of the following :

    -1     List directories only.
     0     List files and directories (the default).
        List files only.

Return Values

  • A list of file and path names, or nil, if no files match the specified pattern.

Let's try it again, but this time with some arguments. Type this at the console prompt :

_$ (vl-directory-files "d:/drawings" "*.dwg")
("X3426.dwg" "afraLOGO.dwg" "ATTAB.DWG" "Drawing1.dwg" "Drawing4.dwg" "is handsome.dwg" "tem5.dwg" "X3374.dwg" "X3375.dwg" "dwgdata.dwg" "Drawing2.dwg" "X3359.dwg" "tblock.dwg" "kenny.dwg" "Adaptor.dwg" "Drg-1.dwg" "drg-2.dwg" "attab-vl.dwg" "matlist.dwg")

This will return a list of all drawings residing in the directory "d:/drawings".
Let's try something else :

_$ (vl-directory-files "d:/drawings" "*.lsp")
("another-dump.lsp" "ATTAB.LSP" "BAREA.LSP" "bick.lsp" "acad.lsp" "mted.lsp" "circle-react.lsp" "clay.lsp" "DC-Delete.lsp" "endPlot.lsp")

This, of course, will return a list of all AutoLisp files.
Now let's get clever. Let's try and get a list of just the subdirectories :

_$ (vl-directory-files "d:/drawings1" nil -1)
("." ".." "Purge-Export" "Office" "3D" "Extext" "VBA" "DrawingExfiles")

Easy hey. Now let's have a look at some of the other Visual Lisp file handling functions.


Copies or appends the contents of one file to another file

(vl-file-copy source-file destination-file [append])

Copy or append the contents of one file to another file. The vl-file-copy function will not overwrite an existing file, only append to it.

Arguments :


  • A string naming the file to be copied. If you do not specify a full path name, vl-file-copy looks in the AutoCAD start-up directory.


  • A string naming the destination file. If you do not specify a path name, vl-file-copy writes to the AutoCAD start-up directory.


  • If specified and not nil, source-file is appended to destination-file (that is, copied to the end of the destination file).

Return Values

  • An integer, if the copy was successful, otherwise nil.
    Some typical reasons for returning nil are:

    source-file is not readable
    source-file is a directory
    append? is absent or nil and destination-file exists
    destination-file cannot be opened for output (that is, it is an illegal file name or a write-protected file)
    source-file is the same as destination-file


Copy autoexec.bat to newauto.bat:

_$ (vl-file-copy "c:/autoexec.bat" "c:/newauto.bat")

Copy test.bat to newauto.bat:

_$ (vl-file-copy "c:/test.bat" "c:/newauto.bat")

The copy fails because newauto.bat already exists, and the append argument was not specified.
Repeat the previous command, but specify append:

_$ (vl-file-copy "c:/test.bat" "c:/newauto.bat" T)

The copy is successful because T was specified for the append argument.


Deletes a file

(vl-file-delete filename)

Arguments :


  • A string containing the name of the file to be deleted. If you do not specify a full path name, vl-file-delete searches the AutoCAD start-up directory.

Return Values

  • T, if successful, nil if delete failed.


Delete newauto.bat:

_$ (vl-file-delete "newauto.bat")

Nothing was deleted because there is no newauto.bat file in the AutoCAD start-up directory.
Delete the newauto.bat file in the c:\ directory:

_$ (vl-file-delete "c:/newauto.bat")

The delete was successful because the full path name identified an existing file.


Determines if a file name refers to a directory

(vl-file-directory-p filename)

Arguments :


  • A string containing a file name. If you do not specify a full path name, vl-file-directory-p searches only the AutoCAD start-up directory.

Return Values

  • T, if filename is the name of a directory, nil if it is not.


_$ (vl-file-directory-p "sample")

_$ (vl-file-directory-p "yinyang")

_$ (vl-file-directory-p "c:/program files/acad2000")

_$ (vl-file-directory-p "c:/program files/acad2000/vlisp/yinyang.lsp")


Renames a file

(vl-file-rename old-filename new-filename)

Arguments :


  • A string containing the name of the file you want to rename. If you do not specify a full path name, vl-file-rename looks in the AutoCAD start-up directory.


  • A string containing the new name to be assigned to the file.
    NOTE If you do not specify a path name, vl-file-rename writes the renamed file to the AutoCAD start-up directory.

Return Values

  • T, if renaming completed successfully, nil if renaming failed.


_$ (vl-file-rename "c:/newauto.bat" "c:/myauto.bat")


Returns last modification time of the specified file

(vl-file-systime filename)

Arguments :


  • A string containing the name of the file to be checked.

Return Values

  • A list containing the modification date and time, or nil, if the file is not found.
    The list returned contains the following elements :


Note that Monday is day 1 of day-of-week, Tuesday is day 2, etc.


_$ (vl-file-systime "c:/program files/acad2000/sample/visuallisp/yinyang.lsp")
(1998 4 3 8 10 6 52 0)

The returned value shows that the file was last modified in 1998, in the 4th month of the year (April), the 3rd day of the week (Wednesday), on the 10th day of the month, at 6:52:0.


Returns the name of a file, after stripping out the directory path and extension

(vl-filename-base filename)

Arguments :


  • A string containing a file name. The vl-filename-base function does not check to see if the file exists.

Return Values

  • A string containing filename in uppercase, with any directory and extension stripped from the name.


_$ (vl-filename-base "c:\\acadwin\\acad.exe")

_$ (vl-filename-base "c:\\acadwin")


Returns the directory path of a file, after stripping out the name and extension

(vl-filename-directory filename)

Arguments :


  • A string containing a complete file name, including the path. The vl-filename-directory function does not check to see if the specified file exists. Slashes (/) and backslashes (\) are accepted as directory delimiters.

Return Values

  • A string containing the directory portion of filename, in uppercase.


_$ (vl-filename-directory "c:\\acadwin\\acad.exe")

_$ (vl-filename-directory "acad.exe")


Returns the extension from a file name, after stripping out the rest of the name
(vl-filename-extension filename)

Arguments :


  • A string containing a file name, including the extension. The vl-filename-extension function does not check to see if the specified file exists.

Return Values

  • A string containing the extension of filename. The returned string starts with a period (.) and is in uppercase. If filename does not contain an extension, vl-filename-extension returns nil.


_$ (vl-filename-extension "c:\\acadwin\\acad.exe")

_$ (vl-filename-extension "c:\\acadwin\\acad")


Calculates a unique file name to be used for a temporary file

(vl-filename-mktemp [pattern directory extension])

Arguments :


  • A string containing a file name pattern; if nil or absent, vl-filename-mktemp uses "$VL~~".


  • A string naming the directory for temporary files; if nil or absent, vl-filename-mktemp chooses a directory in the following order:

    The directory specified in pattern, if any.
    The directory specified in the TMP environment variable.
    The directory specified in the TEMP environment variable.
    The current directory.


  • A string naming the extension to be assigned to the file; if nil or absent, vl-filename-mktemp uses the extension part of pattern (which may be an empty string).

Return Values

  • A string containing a file name, in the following format :

    base is up to 5 characters, taken from pattern
    XXX is a 3 character unique combination
    All file names generated by vl-filename-mktemp during a VLISP session are deleted when you exit VLISP.


_$ (vl-filename-mktemp)

_$ (vl-filename-mktemp "myapp.del")

_$ (vl-filename-mktemp "c:\\acadwin\\myapp.del")

_$ (vl-filename-mktemp "c:\\acadwin\\myapp.del")

_$ (vl-filename-mktemp "myapp" "c:\\acadwin")

_$ (vl-filename-mktemp "myapp" "c:\\acadwin" ".del")

OK, enough of this theoretical nonsense! Let's do something practical.
How do you fancy creating your own personalised file list box?
You do? Great! I'll see you in Part II.

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Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Site created and maintained by Kenny Ramage

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