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Extended Entity Data - Page II

We are now going to write an application that attaches, as Extended Entity Data, bolt details to holes in a drawing. The details we will store will be Bolt Size, Bolt Length and Bolt Grade. We will design a dialogue box to enter this data.
If no data has been attached, the application will firstly attach some default data and then allow you to edit this. If data has been already attached, it will display this data and then allow you to change it, if you so wish.

Exbolt Dialogue

Let's look at the Dialogue Box Coding first:

exbolt : dialog {				//dialog name

        label = "Bolt Details";			//give it a label

	: boxed_row {				//start boxed row

	label = "Choose Size and Length";	//give it a label
	: popup_list {				//define list box

        key = "sel1";				//give it a name

        }					//end list

	: popup_list {				//define list box

        key = "sel2";				//give it a name

        }					//end list

	}					//end boxed row

	: boxed_radio_row {			//start boxed radio row

	label = "Choose Grade";			//give it a label

	: radio_button {			//define radio button

	key = "rb1";				//give it a name

	label = "4,6";				//give it a label

	} 					//end radio button

	: radio_button {			//define radio button

	key = "rb2";				//give it a name

	label = "8,8";				//give it a label

	} 					//end radio button
	: radio_button {			//define radio button

	key = "rb3";				//give it a name

	label = "H.S.F.G.";			//give it a label

	} 					//end radio button

	}					//end boxed radio row

        ok_cancel ;				//predifined OK/Cancel

}						//end dialog

And now the AutoLisp code:

(defun c:exbolt ( / )
;define function

	(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
	;switch off command echo

	(prompt "\nSelect the Hole to Add/Modify Xdata : ")
	;prompt the user
	(setq e (entget (car (entsel)) '("AFRALISP")))
	;get the associative code list

	(setq e1 (assoc -3 e))
	;get the xdata

	(if (not e1)
	;if there is no exdata

	;do the following

	(if (not (tblsearch "APPID" "AFRALISP"))
	;check if the application has been registered
		(regapp "AFRALISP")
		;if not, register it


		(setq e1 '((-3 ("AFRALISP"
			  (1000 . "3")
			  (1000 . "3")
		 	  (1000 . "8,8")
		;create a default xdata list
		(setq e (append e e1))
		;append to to the main list

		(entmod e)
		;modify the entity
	(setq e2 (assoc -3 e))
	;get the code -3 list

	(setq e3 (car (cdr e2)))
	;get the exdata list
	(setq SIZ (cdr (nth 1 e3)))
	;get the bolt size index number

	(setq SIZ1 (cdr (nth 2 e3)))
	;get the bolt length index number

	(setq gr (cdr (nth 3 e3)))
	;get the bolt grade
	(setq userclick T)
	;set flag

	(setq NAMES '("M6" "M8" "M10" "M12" "M16" "M20" "M24" "M30" "M36"))
	;create list of bolt sizes

	(setq LEN '("10" "15" "20" "25" "30" "35" "40" "45" "50" "55" "60"))
	;create list of bolt lengths
	(setq dcl_id (load_dialog "exbolt.dcl"))
	;load dialogue

	(if (not (new_dialog "exbolt" dcl_id)
	;check for errors


	     ;if problem exit

  (set_tile "sel1" SIZ)
  ;initilise list box

  (set_tile "sel2" SIZ1)
  ;initilise list box

  (start_list "sel1")
  ;start the list

  (mapcar 'add_list NAMES)
  ;add the bolt size

  ;end the list

  (start_list "sel2")
  ;start the list

  (mapcar 'add_list LEN)
  ;add the lengths

  ;end the list

  ;on condition

	((= gr "4,6") (set_tile "rb1" "1"))
	;if GR 4,6 switch on radio button rb1

	((= gr "8,8") (set_tile "rb2" "1"))
	;if GR 8,8 switch on radio button rb2

	((= gr "HSFG") (set_tile "rb3" "1"))
	;if GR HSFG switch on radio button rb3

  );end cond

  (action_tile "rb1"
  ;if radio button rb1 selected

    	"(setq gr \"4,6\")"
	;set grade of bolt


  (action_tile "rb2"
  ;if radio button rb2 selected

    	"(setq gr \"8,8\")"
	;set grade of bolt


  (action_tile "rb3"
  ;if radio button rb3 selected

    	"(setq gr \"HSFG\")"
	;set grade of bolt


    (action_tile "cancel"	
    ;if cancel selected

	;end dialog

	 (setq userclick nil)"
	 ;set flag to nill

    ;if cancel set flag to nil

  (action_tile "accept"	

	 "(setq siz (get_tile \"sel1\"))
	 ;get the bolt size

	 (setq siz1 (get_tile \"sel2\"))
	 ;get the bolt length

	 ;end the dialog

	 (setq userclick T)"
	 ;set the flag to true

  );action tile

  ;start the dialogue

  (unload_dialog dcl_id)	
  ;unload the dialogue

   (if userclick	
   ;if OK has been selected

    ;do the following

	(setq NSIZ (cons 1000 SIZ))
	;construct a new bolt size list

	(setq NSIZ1 (cons 1000 SIZ1))
	;construct a new bolt length list

	(setq NGR (cons 1000 gr))
	;construct a new bolt grade list

	(setq e4 (chnitem NSIZ 2 e3))
	;change the existing bolt size list

	(setq e5 (chnitem NSIZ1 3 e4))
	;change the existing bolt length list

	(setq e6 (chnitem NGR 4 e5))
	;change the existing bolt grade list

	(setq e7 (subst e6 e3 e2))
	;update list

	(setq e8 (subst e7 e2 e))
	;update list

	(entmod e8)
	;update the entity

     (setq SIZ (nth (atoi SIZ) NAMES))
     ;get the size of the bolt from the list

     (setq SIZ1 (nth (atoi SIZ1) LEN))
     ;get the length of the bolt from the list

     (alert (strcat "The size of bolt is " SIZ "\n"
	    "The length of bolt is " SIZ1 "\n"
	    "The grade of bolt is " GR)

    );end progn

   );end if

;finish cleanly

);end defun

;;This function replaces any element in a list with another element
;;It requires 3 parameters (chnitem value itemnumber list)

(defun chnitem (value num lst)
     (setq num (- num 1))
     (setq tmplt (list nil))
     (setq tmplt2 (list nil))
     (setq counter 0)
     (repeat  num
          (setq tmplt (append tmplt (list (nth counter lst))))
          (setq counter (+ counter 1))
     (setq counter (+ counter 1))
     (repeat (- (length lst) (+ num 1))
          (setq tmplt2 (append tmplt2 (list (nth counter lst))))
          (setq counter (+ counter 1))
     (setq tmplt (cdr tmplt))
     (setq tmplt2 (cdr tmplt2))
     (setq lst (append tmplt (list value) tmplt2))
;load cleanly

Draw a few circles representing holes on your drawing and run this application. Clever, hey!!

Now, let's write a routine that extracts this data from the drawing and saves it, in a space deliminating format, to an external text file.

(defun C:exfile ()
;define the function

  (setq NAMES '("M6" "M8" "M10" "M12" "M16" "M20" "M24" "M30" "M36"))
  ;create list of bolt sizes

  (setq LEN '("10" "15" "20" "25" "30" "35" "40" "45" "50" "55" "60"))
  ;create list of bolt lengths

  (setq fname (getstring "\nEnter file name: "))
  ;get the file name

  (setq fn (open fname "w"))
  ;open it to write

  (setq a (ssget "x" '((-3 ("AFRALISP")))))
  ;get all the bolt exdata in the drawing

  (setq lg (sslength a))
  ;get the number of bolts

  (setq i 0)
  ;set counter to zero

  (repeat lg
  ;repeat for the number of entities with bolt xdata

    (setq e (entget (ssname a i) '("AFRALISP")))
    ;get the entity list

    (setq i (1+ i))
    ;increment the counter

    (setq d (assoc -3 e))
    ;get the xdata list

    (setq d1 (cdr (car (cdr d))))
    ;get just the xdata

    (mapcar 'set '(SIZ SIZ1 GR) d1)
    ;put each of the lists into variables

    (setq SIZ (cdr SIZ))
    ;get the index number of the bolt size

    (setq SIZ (nth (atoi SIZ) NAMES))
    ;retrieve the bolt size from the master list

    (setq SIZ1 (cdr SIZ1))
    ;get the index number of the bolt length

    (setq SIZ1 (nth (atoi SIZ1) LEN))
    ;retrieve the bolt size from the master list

    (setq GR (cdr GR))
    ;retrieve the bolt grade

    (princ SIZ fn)
    ;print bolt size

    (princ " " fn)
    ;print a space

    (princ SIZ1 fn)
    ;print bolt length

    (princ " " fn)
    ;print a space

    (princ GR fn)
    ;print the bolt grade

    (princ "\n" fn)
    ;print a new line

  );end repeat

  (close fn)
  ;close the file

  (alert (strcat "Exported Details of\n"
         (itoa lg)
         " Bolts to file : \n"
         (strcase fname))
  ;inform the user

  ;finish cleanly

);end defun

;load cleanly

As you can see, you can attach xdata to any type of entity, and attach all sorts
of different types of information.

Well, that's about it for now. If you would like the source coding for the applications written on this page, then just click here.

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