AfraLISP - Learn AutoLISP for AutoCAD productivity

Drawing Setup - Part 3

by Kenny Ramage

AutoLISP Coding

Here is the complete AutoLISP Coding :

(defun C:SETUP ()				;define function
     (setvar "BLIPMODE" 0)			;switch off variables
     (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
     (setvar "OSMODE" 0)
     (setq typ "e")				;set default
     (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "setup.dcl"))	;load dialogue
     (if (not 					;test if loaded
           (new_dialog "setup" dcl_id)		;new dialogue
         )					;end not
           (exit)				;if not loaded, exit
     )						;end if
     (set_tile "rb1" "1")			;switch on radio button
     (action_tile "rb1"				;if button selected
         "(setq typ \"e\")			;store sheet type
          (mode_tile \"eb1\" 2)")		;set focus to edit box
     (action_tile "rb2"				;if button selected
         "(setq typ \"a\")			;store sheet type
          (mode_tile \"eb1\" 2)")		;set focus to edit box
     (action_tile "rb3"				;if button selected
         "(setq typ \"c\")			;store sheet type
          (mode_tile \"eb1\" 2)")		;set focus to edit box
     (action_tile "rb4"				;if button selected
         "(setq typ \"el\")			;store sheet type
          (mode_tile \"eb1\" 2)")		;set focus to edit box
     (action_tile "rb5"				;if button selected
         "(setq typ \"b\")			;store sheet type
          (mode_tile \"eb1\" 2)")		;set focus to edit box
     (set_tile "rb6" "1")			;make default
     (setq SIZ "A0")				;Default sheet size
     (set_tile "eb1" "1")			;initial edit box value
     (mode_tile "eb1" 2)			;set focus to edit box
     (action_tile "rb6"				;if button selected
         "(setq siz \"A0\")			;store sheet size
          (mode_tile \"eb1\" 2)")		;set focus to edit box
     (action_tile "rb7"				;if button selected
         "(setq siz \"A1\")			;store sheet size
          (mode_tile \"eb1\" 2)")		;set focus to edit box
     (action_tile "rb8"				;if button selected
         "(setq siz \"A2\")			;store sheet size
          (mode_tile \"eb1\" 2)")		;set focus to edit box
     (action_tile "rb9"				;if button selected
         "(setq siz \"A3\")			;store sheet size
          (mode_tile \"eb1\" 2)")		;set focus to edit box
     (action_tile "rb10"			;if button selected
         "(setq siz \"A4\")			;store sheet size
          (mode_tile \"eb1\" 2)")		;set focus to edit box
     (action_tile "cancel"			;if Cancel selected
         "(done_dialog)(setq userclick nil)")	;close dialogue, clear flag
     (action_tile "accept"			;if OK selected
       (strcat					;string 'em together
      "(progn (setq #dwgsc			;store value
              (atof (get_tile \"eb1\")))"	;get edit box value
            "(done_dialog) (setq userclick T))" ;close dialogue, set flag
       )					;end progn
     )						;end action_tile
     (start_dialog)				;start dialogue
     (unload_dialog dcl_id)			;unload dialogue
(if userclick					;if flag is true
    (progn					;do the following
           (if (eq siz "A0")			;If size is A0
             (progn				;Do the following
		(setq x 1189.0			;Set x limits
                      y 841.0			;Set y limits
                )				;End setq
             )					;End progn
            )  					;End If
           (if (eq siz "A1")			;If size is A1
             (progn				;Do the following
		(setq x 841.0			;Set x limits
                      y 594.0			;Set y limits
                )				;End setq
             )					;End progn
            )  					;End If
           (if (eq siz "A2")			;If size is A2
             (progn				;Do the following
		(setq x 594.0			;Set x limits
                      y 420.0			;Set y limits
                )				;End setq
             )					;End progn
            )  					;End If
           (if (eq siz "A3")			;If size is A3
             (progn				;Do the following
		(setq x 420.0			;Set x limits
                      y 297.0			;Set y limits
                )				;End setq
             )					;End progn
            )  					;End If
           (if (eq siz "A4")			;If size is A4
             (progn				;Do the following
		(setq x 297.0			;Set x limits
                      y 210.0			;Set y limits
                )				;End setq
             )					;End progn
            )  					;End If
           (setq SIZE (strcat TYP SIZ))		;Construct name of Template
           (if (eq typ "e") (eng))		;Run Engineering Setup
           (if (eq typ "a") (arch))		;Run Architectural Setup
           (if (eq typ "c") (civil))		;Run Civil Setup
           (if (eq typ "el") (elec))		;Run Electrical Setup
           (if (eq typ "b") (blank))		;Run Blank Setup
    )						;End progn
  )						;End If
 (princ)					;finish clean
)						;end function
(defun blank ()					;Define function
      (setvar "DIMSCALE" #DWGSC)		;Set Dimscale
      (setvar "USERR1" #DWGSC)			;Store Scale for future
      (setvar "LTSCALE" ( #DWGSC 10))		;Set Ltscale
      (setvar "REGENMODE" 1)			;Regen ON
      (setvar "TILEMODE" 1)			;Tilemode ON
      (setq n ( 3.5 #DWGSC))			;Store Text Height
      (setq L (list ( X #DWGSC) ( Y #DWGSC))	;Calculate Limits
      (command "LIMITS" "0,0" L 
               "ZOOM" "W" "0,0" L
	       "STYLE" "italict"
               "italict" N "" "" "" "" ""
               "INSERT" SIZE "0,0" #DWGSC "" ""
      )						;Set Up Drawing
       (prompt "\n ")				;Blank Line
      (prompt "\nO.K Setup Routine Complete")	;Inform User
 (princ)					;Exit Quietly
)						;End Function
(defun eng ()					;Define function
      (setvar "DIMSCALE" #DWGSC)		;Set Dimscale
      (setvar "USERR1" #DWGSC)			;Store Scale for future
      (setvar "LTSCALE" ( #DWGSC 10))		;Set Ltscale
      (setvar "REGENMODE" 1)			;Regen ON
      (setvar "TILEMODE" 1)			;Tilemode ON
      (setq n ( 3.5 #DWGSC))			;Store Text Height
      (setq L (list ( X #DWGSC) ( Y #DWGSC))	;Calculate Limits
      (command "LIMITS" "0,0" L 
               "ZOOM" "W" "0,0" L
	       "STYLE" "italict"
               "italict" N "" "" "" "" ""
               "INSERT" SIZE "0,0" #DWGSC "" ""
      )						;Set Up Drawing
       (prompt "\n ")				;Blank Line
      (prompt "\nO.K Setup Routine Complete")	;Inform User
 (princ)					;Exit Quietly
)						;End Function
(defun arch ()					;Define function
      (setvar "DIMSCALE" #DWGSC)		;Set Dimscale
      (setvar "USERR1" #DWGSC)			;Store Scale for future
      (setvar "LTSCALE" ( #DWGSC 10))		;Set Ltscale
      (setvar "REGENMODE" 1)			;Regen ON
      (setvar "TILEMODE" 1)			;Tilemode ON
      (setq n ( 3.5 #DWGSC))			;Store Text Height
      (setq L (list ( X #DWGSC) ( Y #DWGSC))	;Calculate Limits
      (command "LIMITS" "0,0" L 
               "ZOOM" "W" "0,0" L
	       "STYLE" "italict"
               "italict" N "" "" "" "" ""
               "INSERT" SIZE "0,0" #DWGSC "" ""
      )						;Set Up Drawing
       (prompt "\n ")				;Blank Line
      (prompt "\nO.K Setup Routine Complete")	;Inform User
 (princ)					;Exit Quietly
)						;End Function
(defun civil ()					;Define function
      (setvar "DIMSCALE" #DWGSC)		;Set Dimscale
      (setvar "USERR1" #DWGSC)			;Store Scale for future
      (setvar "LTSCALE" ( #DWGSC 10))		;Set Ltscale
      (setvar "REGENMODE" 1)			;Regen ON
      (setvar "TILEMODE" 1)			;Tilemode ON
      (setq n ( 3.5 #DWGSC))			;Store Text Height
      (setq L (list ( X #DWGSC) ( Y #DWGSC))	;Calculate Limits
      (command "LIMITS" "0,0" L 
               "ZOOM" "W" "0,0" L
	       "STYLE" "italict"
               "italict" N "" "" "" "" ""
               "INSERT" SIZE "0,0" #DWGSC "" ""
      )						;Set Up Drawing
       (prompt "\n ")				;Blank Line
      (prompt "\nO.K Setup Routine Complete")	;Inform User
 (princ)					;Exit Quietly
)						;End Function
(defun elec ()					;Define function
      (setvar "DIMSCALE" #DWGSC)		;Set Dimscale
      (setvar "USERR1" #DWGSC)			;Store Scale for future
      (setvar "LTSCALE" ( #DWGSC 10))		;Set Ltscale
      (setvar "REGENMODE" 1)			;Regen ON
      (setvar "TILEMODE" 1)			;Tilemode ON
      (setq n ( 3.5 #DWGSC))			;Store Text Height
      (setq L (list ( X #DWGSC) ( Y #DWGSC))	;Calculate Limits
      (command "LIMITS" "0,0" L 
               "ZOOM" "W" "0,0" L
	       "STYLE" "italict"
               "italict" N "" "" "" "" ""
               "INSERT" SIZE "0,0" #DWGSC "" ""
      )						;Set Up Drawing
       (prompt "\n ")				;Blank Line
      (prompt "\nO.K Setup Routine Complete")	;Inform User
 (princ)					;Exit Quietly
)						;End Function
 (princ)					;Clean Loading

To download the source coding and template files Click Here.

Please remember that you will need to create some of the template files yourself.