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Visual Lisp and Polylines

Dealing with polylines using straight forward AutoLisp can be quite a pain. But, believe it or not, using Visual Lisp they are a breeze to modify and manipulate. Let's have a look shall we?

First of all, fire up AutoCAD and draw a polyline but do not close it :

Now, type the following in the Visual Lisp editor :

_$ (vl-load-com)

_$ (setq theobj (car (entsel "\nSelect a Polyline: ")))
<Entity name: 14e35f8>

_$ (setq theobj (vlax-ename->vla-object theobj))
#<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLWPolyline 01ea16d4>

_$ (vlax-dump-object theobj T)
; IAcadLWPolyline: AutoCAD Lightweight Polyline Interface

; Property values:
; Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 00ac8928>
; Area (RO) = 16178.7
; Closed = 0
; Color = 256
; ConstantWidth = 0.0
; Coordinate = ...Indexed contents not shown...
; Coordinates = (540.98 557.623 640.815 449.587 453.624 403.879 ... )
; Document (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDocument 00ec89b4>
; Elevation = 0.0
; Handle (RO) = "957"
; HasExtensionDictionary (RO) = 0
; Hyperlinks (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadHyperlinks 01ea1ec4>
; Layer = "7"
; Linetype = "BYLAYER"
; LinetypeGeneration = 0
; LinetypeScale = 1.0
; Lineweight = -1
; Normal = (0.0 0.0 1.0)
; ObjectID (RO) = 21902840
; ObjectName (RO) = "AcDbPolyline"
; OwnerID (RO) = 21901504
; PlotStyleName = "ByLayer"
; Thickness = 0.0
; Visible = -1

; Methods supported:
; AddVertex (2)
; ArrayPolar (3)
; ArrayRectangular (6)
; Copy ()
; Delete ()
; Explode ()
; GetBoundingBox (2)
; GetBulge (1)
; GetExtensionDictionary ()
; GetWidth (3)
; GetXData (3)
; Highlight (1)
; IntersectWith (2)
; Mirror (2)
; Mirror3D (3)
; Move (2)
; Offset (1)
; Rotate (2)
; Rotate3D (3)
; ScaleEntity (2)
; SetBulge (2)
; SetWidth (3)
; SetXData (2)
; TransformBy (1)
; Update ()

This is a listing of all the Properties and Methods belonging to our polyline object.
Let's close the polyline:

_$ (vla-put-closed theobj :vlax-true)

Now let's change the width of all the segments :

_$ (vla-put-ConstantWidth theobj 2.0)

Let's "bulge" the third segment :

_$ (vla-setbulge theobj 2 0.5)

Let's change the starting and ending width of the fourth segment :
_$ (vla-setwidth theobj 3 10.0 0.0)

Let's get the area :

_$ (vla-get-area theobj)

Now, we'll make it invisible :

_$ (vla-put-visible theobj :vlax-false)

See it's gone. Let's bring it back :

_$ (vla-put-visible theobj :vlax-true)

Now we'll explode it :
_$ (vla-explode theobj)
#<variant 8201 ...>

And delete the original :
_$ (vla-delete theobj)

We are left with an exploded copy of our polyline :

Right, let's have a look at extracting some information from a polyline.
This program will extract the X and Y coordinates from any polyline.

(prompt "\nType \"VL-POLY\" to run........")

(defun c:vl-poly ( / theobj thelist n xval yval fname fn)

;load the visual lisp extensions

;get the entity and entity name
(setq theobj (car (entsel "\nSelect a Polyline: ")))

;convert to vl object
(setq theobj (vlax-ename->vla-object theobj))

;check if it's a polyline
(if (= (vlax-get-property theobj 'ObjectName) "AcDbPolyline")

;if it is, do the following

;retrieve the coordinates
(setq thelist (vlax-get-property theobj 'coordinates))

;convert to a list
(setq thelist (vlax-safearray->list  (variant-value thelist)))

;zero the counter
(setq n 0)

;create a text file
(setq fname "coord.txt")

;open it to write
(setq fn (open fname "w"))

;write the header
(write-line "PolyLine X and Y Coordinates" fn)

;underline the header
(write-line "*****************************************" fn)

;start the loop
(repeat (/ (length thelist) 2)

;get the x coordinate
(setq xval (rtos (nth n thelist)))

;increase the counter
(setq n (1+ n))

;get the y coordinate
(setq yval (rtos (nth n thelist)))

;write the x coordinate to the file
(write-line  (strcat "X-Value : " xval)  fn)

;write the x coordinate to the file
(write-line  (strcat "Y-Value : " yval)  fn)

;add a seperator
(write-line "-----------------------------" fn)

;increase the counter
(setq n (1+ n))


;close the file
(close fn)


;it's not a polyline, inform the user
(alert "This is not a Polyline!! - Please try again.")




;clean loading


 Save this as "VL-Poly.lsp" and then load and run it. Select any polyline.

The X and Y coordinates of each vertex will be output and written to a file named "Coord.txt"
It should look something like this :

 PolyLine X and Y Coordinates
X-Value : 478.6
Y-Value : 622
X-Value : 815.5
Y-Value : 349.9
X-Value : 636.7
Y-Value : 291.7
X-Value : 586.7
Y-Value : 437.1
X-Value : 516
Y-Value : 310.4
X-Value : 349.6
Y-Value : 304.2


 In the next section, we'll have a look at creating polylines and adding one or two "bulges".

The AutoLisp/Visual Lisp/VBA Resource Website

Copyright © 1999-Perpetuity by AfraLisp

All rights reserved.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Site created and maintained by Kenny Ramage

The AutoLisp/Visual Lisp/VBA Resource Website