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VBA and DataBases (67kb)

Title Block Tutorial

This is a sample VBA routine written for AutoCAD Rel 14, 2000, 2000i and 2002.
This application will demonstrate how to import and export Title Block attribute data, to and from an Access 2000 database.

Usage AutoCAD 14 and 2000.

Unzip the files Tblock2000.dvb, Tblock2000.Lsp, Tblock.Dwg and Tblock.Mdb to your working directory.
Insert the Tblock.Dwg. as a block into any drawing.

Usage AutoCAD 2000i and 2002.

Unzip the files Tblock2002.dvb, Tblock2002.Lsp, Tblock.Dwg and Tblock.Mdb to your working directory.
Insert the Tblock.Dwg. as a block into any drawing.

It should look like this :

Title Block

Type (load "tblock2000(2)") at the command prompt.
Type "tblock2000(2)" to run the application.

(If you have problems when writing or running this projects, ensure that the Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library is selected in your VBA References.)

The Source Code. 

Public acad As Object
Public doc As Object
Public ms As Object
Public ss As Object
Public ssnew As Object
Public Theatts As Variant
Public MsgBoxResp As Integer
Public dbInfo As Database
Public rsInfo As Recordset
'declare global variables

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    UpdateAttrib 0, UserForm1.TextBox1.Text
    UpdateAttrib 1, UserForm1.TextBox2.Text
    UpdateAttrib 2, UserForm1.TextBox3.Text
    UpdateAttrib 3, UserForm1.TextBox4.Text
    UpdateAttrib 4, UserForm1.TextBox5.Text
    'get the attribute values
    'update the attribute block
End Sub

Sub UpdateAttrib(TagNumber As Integer, BTextString As String)
  'This Sub Procedure tests the attribute data to check
  'that is not a null value
  If BTextString = "" Then
  'if the attribute is empty
    Theatts(TagNumber).TextString = "-"
    'put a '-' place holder
   'if it is not empty
    Theatts(TagNumber).TextString = BTextString
    'use the attribute value
'delete the block
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()

Dim DrgNumber As String
Dim Msg As String
Dim Msg1 As String
Dim Style As String
Dim TitleLine As String
Dim Response As String
'declare local variables

DrgNumber = UserForm1.TextBox2.Text
'get the drawing number

Set dbInfo = OpenDatabase("TBLOCK.MDB")
'set the reference to the database

'if the database is not an Access dadtabase use the following line
'Set dbInfo = OpenDatabase("

Set rsInfo = dbInfo.OpenRecordset("SELECT * 
FROM TITLEBLOCK WHERE DRGNO = '" & DrgNumber & "'", dbOpenDynaset)
'search for the drawing number

'hide the dialogue box

If (rsInfo.RecordCount <> 0) Then
'if the drawing number is found

    Msg = "Drawing already Exists in the DataBase."
    Msg1 = "Would you like to Update the Drawing Details?"
    Style = vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2
    Title = "Existing Entry in DataBase"
    'set variables for message box

    Response = MsgBox(Msg & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Msg1, Style, Title)
    'display the message box
        If Response = vbYes Then
        'if the user wants to update the database
            'open the database for edit
 'this section is for AutoCAD 14/2000           
            UserForm1.rsInfo("TITLE") = UserForm1.TextBox1.Text
            UserForm1.rsInfo("DRGNO") = UserForm1.TextBox2.Text
            UserForm1.rsInfo("DATE") = UserForm1.TextBox3.Text
            UserForm1.rsInfo("DRAWN") = UserForm1.TextBox4.Text
            UserForm1.rsInfo("SCALE") = UserForm1.TextBox5.Text
            'get the field values
'For AutoCAD 2000i/2002 replace the preceding section with this :
            'UserForm1.rsInfo.Fields("TITLE") = UserForm1.TextBox1.Text
            'UserForm1.rsInfo.Fields("DRGNO") = UserForm1.TextBox2.Text
            'UserForm1.rsInfo.Fields("DATE") = UserForm1.TextBox3.Text
            'UserForm1.rsInfo.Fields("DRAWN") = UserForm1.TextBox4.Text
            'UserForm1.rsInfo.Fields("SCALE") = UserForm1.TextBox5.Text
            'get the field values
            'update the database
            MsgBox ("DataBase has been Updated"), , "Update DataBase"
            'inform the user
            'reinstate the dialogue box
         'if the user does not want to update
        'reinstate the dialogue
        End If
  'if the drawing number has not been found
    Msg = "Drawing has not been Entered Into DataBase."
    Msg1 = "Would you like to Enter the Drawing Details?"
    Style = vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2
    Title = "New Entry in DataBase"
    'set up the message box variables
     Response = MsgBox(Msg & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Msg1, Style, Title)
     'display the message box
        If Response = vbYes Then
        'if the user wants to enter the drawing details
            'open the dtabase to add a new record
 'this section is for AutoCAD 14/2000           
            UserForm1.rsInfo("TITLE") = UserForm1.TextBox1.Text
            UserForm1.rsInfo("DRGNO") = UserForm1.TextBox2.Text
            UserForm1.rsInfo("DATE") = UserForm1.TextBox3.Text
            UserForm1.rsInfo("DRAWN") = UserForm1.TextBox4.Text
            UserForm1.rsInfo("SCALE") = UserForm1.TextBox5.Text
            'get the field values
'For AutoCAD 2000i/2002 replace the preceding section with this :
            'UserForm1.rsInfo.Fields("TITLE") = UserForm1.TextBox1.Text
            'UserForm1.rsInfo.Fields("DRGNO") = UserForm1.TextBox2.Text
            'UserForm1.rsInfo.Fields("DATE") = UserForm1.TextBox3.Text
            'UserForm1.rsInfo.Fields("DRAWN") = UserForm1.TextBox4.Text
            'UserForm1.rsInfo.Fields("SCALE") = UserForm1.TextBox5.Text
            'get the field values
            'update the database
            MsgBox ("Drawing has been Entered into DataBase"), , 
            "Enter Into DataBase"
            'inform the user
            'reinstate the dialogue box
        'if the user does not want to enter the drawing details
            'reinstate the dialoge box
        End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

  Dim BlkG(0) As Integer
  Dim TheBlock(0) As Variant
  Dim Pt1(0 To 2) As Double
  Dim Pt2(0 To 2) As Double
  'declare local variables

  Set acad = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application")
  'set reference to AutoCAD
  Set doc = acad.ActiveDocument
  'set reference to the drawing
  Set ms = doc.ModelSpace
  'set reference to model space
  Set ssnew = doc.SelectionSets.Add("TBLK")
  'create a selection set
  Pt1(0) = 0: Pt1(1) = 0: Pt1(2) = 0
  Pt2(0) = 3: Pt2(1) = 3: Pt2(2) = 0
  'set up the array
  BlkG(0) = 2
  'group code 2 for block name
  TheBlock(0) = "TBLOCK"
  'the name of the attribute block
  ssnew.Select 5, Pt1, Pt2, BlkG, TheBlock
  'get the block
  If ssnew.Count >= 1 Then
  'if the block is found
    Theatts = ssnew.Item(0).GetAttributes
    'get the attributes
    UserForm1.TextBox1.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(0).TextString))
    'get the title attribute
    'clear any leading spaces and
    'convert to uppercase
    UserForm1.TextBox2.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(1).TextString))
    'get the drawing number attribute
    'clear any leading spaces and
    'convert to uppercase
    UserForm1.TextBox3.Text = Date
    'get todays date
    UserForm1.TextBox4.Text = UCase(LTrim(Theatts(3).TextString))
    'get the draughtsmans name
    'clear any leading spaces and
    'convert to uppercase
    UserForm1.TextBox5.Text = "1:" & CStr(doc.GetVariable("DIMSCALE"))
    'get the drawing scale, convert it to a string
    'and prefix it with 1:
    UserForm1.TextBox1.SelStart = 0
    UserForm1.TextBox1.SelLength = Len(UserForm1.TextBox1.Text)
    'set the focus to the drawing title and highlight it
  'if no attribute title block is found
   MsgBox "Sorry - No Title Block Attributes....", vbCritical, 
   "AfraLisp Tutorial"
   'inform the user that there is no attribute title block
   'end the program
 End If
End Sub

Create a new module and add this :

Sub TBlock()


End Sub
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Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Site created and maintained by Kenny Ramage

The AutoLisp/Visual Lisp/VBA Resource Website