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I have a problem with some basic trigonometry, and maybe I'm looking
at this too hard. How does one work out the angle of a triangle knowing the lengths of it's sides?

And some of the answers :

I just wanted to say that arc sine does not equal to 1/sin . AutoLISP has
arc tan function that returns the angle in radians knowing the tangent of
the angle.

The following equations can be useful :

sin a * sin a + cos a * cos b = 1
tan a = sin a / cos a

this means you can calculate tan of the angle if you have the sin or the

The arc tan function in AutoLISP is (atan ). It takes one or two arguments.
You can take a look at this function in the LISP help .


Autolisp does have an inverse tan function: atan. And that's all you need

;returns inverse sin in radians
(defun asin (y)
(atan y (sqrt (- 1 (* y y))))
;returns inverse cos in radians
(defun acos (y)
(atan (sqrt (- 1 (* y y))) y)

btw, 1/sin(x) would be sec(x) not the inverse sine. Arc sin is indeed the
inverse of sine but the notation "sin to the power -1" is just shorthand for
inverse sine, it does not mean literally raised to the power of minus 1;
i.e. 1/sin(x).

jeff russon


Trig functions in AutoLISP.


;Trig functions in AutoLISP
;adapted from CADalyst tip 442, by John Howard
(defun cot (x)
((equal (sin x) 0.0 1.0e-16)
(if (minusp x)
(/ (cos x) (sin x))
(defun csc (x)
((equal (sin x) 0.0 1.0e-16)
(if (minusp x)
(/ 1.0 (sin x))
(defun sec (x)
((equal (sin x) 0.0 1.0e-16)
(if (minusp x)
(/ 1.0 (cos x))
(defun tan (x)
((equal (cos x) 0.0 1.0e-16)
(if (minusp x)
(/ (sin x) (cos x))
(defun acsc (x)
((equal x 1.0 1.0e-16)
(* pi 0.5)
((equal x -1.0 1.0e-16)
(* pi -0.5)
((> (abs x) 1.0)
(atan (/ (/ 1.0 x) (sqrt (- 1.0 (/ 1.0 (* x x))))))
(prompt "\n*ERROR* (abs x) < 1.0 from ACSC function\n")
(defun acos (x)
((equal x 1.0 1.0e-16)
((equal x -1.0 1.0e-16)
((< (abs x) 1.0)
(- (* pi 0.5) (atan (/ x (sqrt (- 1.0 (* x x))))))
(prompt "\n*ERROR* (abs x) > 1.0 from ACOS function\n")
(defun asec (x)
((equal x 1.0 1.0e-16)
((equal x -1.0 1.0e-16)
((> (abs x) 1.0)
(- (* pi 0.5) (atan (/ (/ 1.0 x) (sqrt (- 1.0 (/ 1.0 (* x x)))))))
(prompt "\n*ERROR* (abs x) < 1.0 from ASEC function\n")
(defun asin (x)
((equal x 1.0 1.0e-16)
(* pi 0.5)
((equal x -1.0 1.0e-16)
(* pi -0.5)
((< (abs x) 1.0)
(atan (/ x (sqrt (- 1.0 (* x x)))))
(prompt "\n*ERROR* (abs x) > 1.0 from ASIN function\n")
(princ "\nCOT, CSC, SEC, TAN, ACSC, ACOS, ASEC, ASIN \n")



Try this simple one :

(defun cangle (a b c)
(setq max_val (max a b c))
((= max_val a)(setq a b b c))
((= max_val b)(setq b c))
A_ang (/ (* 180 (atan a b)) pi)
B_ang (/ (* 180 (atan b a)) pi)
C_ang (- 180.0 A_ang B_ang)
(print (strcat "Angle A is " (rtos A_ang) " degrees"))
(print (strcat "Angle B is " (rtos B_ang) " degrees"))
(print (strcat "Angle C is " (rtos C_ang) " degrees"))

Lennart Ekelund

And from the wonder Llama himself :



Function ArcSin(x As Double) As Double
'Inverse Sin
If x = 1 Then
ArcSin = PI() / 2
ElseIf x = -1 Then
ArcSin = -PI() / 2
ArcSin = Atn(x / Sqr(-x * x + 1))
End If
End Function

Function ArcCos(x As Double) As Double
' Inverse Cosine
If x = 1 Then
ArcCos = 0
ElseIf x = -1 Then
ArcCos = -PI()
ArcCos = Atn(x / Sqr(-x * x + 1)) + PI() / 2
End If
End Function

Function Arccotan(x As Double) As Double
Arccotan = Atn(x) + PI() / 2
End Function

Function PI() As Double
PI = Atn(1) * 4
End Function


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Site created and maintained by Kenny Ramage

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